Two Lips!

Tree House English Quote by Nicola Tesla

Tree House 英会話スタジオ

My great student!

Asparagus for breakfast!




Up the Hill with Bill

In this video, I really put my face make it to the test! What a beautiful day it was this February 5, 2021!

Cherry Blossom in January!

Welcome to 黄金町❣️


Check out ツリーハウス英会話 on Google!

Yeah! The next door neighbor is really hitting me hard. In the little neighborhood of Koganecho, this Iranian guy and his Korean girlfriend are working hand in hand to steal my English business. It’s a real life saga. Anyway, I’m creating websites, consolidating info, posting, YouTubing, SMSing, and whatever else I can do to win this war. Wish me luck and if you want to know more, why don’t you stop by the Tree House Eikawa in Koganecho!


Check out Bill’s ツリーハウス英会話 on Google!

The next door neighbor’s 英会話 has better search results than does the ツリーハウス英会話。Oh no! I’m in a pickle. I’m gonna be saturating the internets during the next few months!

Independence Day USA

The Tree House English Studio/Cafe’ and Chat welcomes the 45th President of the United States, as America celebrates 243 years of independence from England. The Treehouse English Studio/Café is the best place to learn English in Japan.

Enjoy the freedom of independence that only American English provides.


黄金町 – A peaceful moment

Koganecho Action News -Seagull Takes Bread

If you look way in the background there you’ll be able to see the high school on the hill!

Tanaka Kane 敬老の日

敬老の日 is coming soon!

敬老の日 is coming soon!

August 21st, 2018

Summer seems to be wanting to change!


黄金町 アクションニュース

黄金町 アクションミューズ


Koganecho 黄金町 Action News


Koganecho 黄金町 Action News!

Welcome to Koganecho Action News. 
I’m Bill McCormack.
Today is Saturday, July 28, 2018.
Today, Typhoon number 12 also know as Jongdari, ripped through Koganecho causing wide spread damage and misery.
The police were out in force, protecting businesses from foreign looters.
The savage storm shut down the community making Koganecho into a ghostown. 
Torrential rains made the Ooka River rise to dangerous levels. 
High winds caused devastating damage to the cherry trees. 
Here, a leaf has fallen and will never recover.
We interviewed one local business owner named Akiko. Well, let’s listen. 
How do you feel about the storm Akiko?
Ohh!  It’s so… No, I’m I’m very scared!
And there you have it everybody.
Thank you for watching Koganecho Action News

Tree House English

There are times when you catch a glimpse of something that is just right! It just like THE Tree House 英会話 in 黄金町. You know it’s the perfect place to really learn English. It just feels right. There are so many options to choose from but in this digital age there is so much fraud 詐欺 that comes with the choice. THE Tree House offers real English lessons at the most reasonable prices. Not only has the Tree House minimized prices but it has maximized the rate of improvement in your English skills. How is this done, you might ask! Well, it’s done through experience. Bill is one of the most experienced English teachers in Japan. So, you have options. You can check out online learning systems, Facebook apps, iPhone apps, Android apps, Meet-up services, and Conversation Exchange. You can even take English lessons from teachers coming from countries like the Philippines and Nigeria and let them bully you into thinking that they communicate and teach English effectively. You can spend mega-bucks at Rizap, and Berlitz. You can test out the ワンコイ gimmick. You can resort to one of the 英会話 like ECC or Nova. But in the end, it’s all the same. Crap! The one exception is THE Tree House in 黄金町. There is no fraud 詐欺 at THE Tree House 英会話. It just feels right! THE Tree House 英会話 in 黄金町! You’ve tried the rest, now try the best!

THE Flower Garden

I forgot the name of this flower! Can anybody help me?

Map to The Tree House 英会話

Bonsai Mania

Today they decided to cut off the branches of the cherry trees which were hanging over the road. Dangerous for traffic? They really love to hit Koganecho hard. It’s such a shame to cut back on theses beautiful shade trees. It’s bad to practice “bonsai” on cherry trees.

Fresh from the Garden 🌶

These delicious habanero and chili peppers were grown by the Tree House 英会話 黄金町 横浜

Tree House Time Warp Machine

Taishu is experimenting with the Tree House Time Warp Machine. It’s his first time and he is successful in moving himself a few meters. Congratulations!

THE 英会話 横浜

A typical July summer day along the Ooka River in front of the Tree House Studio/Cafe’.

Junko’s Co-op 枝豆

The Word Co-opA co-op is defined as a cooperative society, shop, business, or farm.The hiragana pronunciation is コープ.In English this is often mistakenly heard as “coop”.In English ‘coop’ means a cage or pen in which poultry 家禽 are kept and raised. It’s basically a chicken house.So if you say, “I bought these soybeans at the ‘coop’, it means you bought the soybeans at the chicken cage.Yo must say ‘Co’ + ‘Op’. The word has two distinct syllables 音節. Try not to run the two syllbles together when saying ‘co-op.”I bought the soybeans at the co-op.”The line between co and op is not a 延ばす線. This is the reason why there is confusion with this word.By the way, thank you so much for the soybeans 枝豆 Junko! A full container of delicious Hokkaido 枝豆 is a wonderful treat and a great summer snack. Thank you for not putting any salt on the 枝豆. They are tastier this way! Very healthy!

黄金町 横浜 英会話 ツリーハウス

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