Junko’s Co-op 枝豆

The Word Co-opA co-op is defined as a cooperative society, shop, business, or farm.The hiragana pronunciation is コープ.In English this is often mistakenly heard as “coop”.In English ‘coop’ means a cage or pen in which poultry 家禽 are kept and raised. It’s basically a chicken house.So if you say, “I bought these soybeans at the ‘coop’, it means you bought the soybeans at the chicken cage.Yo must say ‘Co’ + ‘Op’. The word has two distinct syllables 音節. Try not to run the two syllbles together when saying ‘co-op.”I bought the soybeans at the co-op.”The line between co and op is not a 延ばす線. This is the reason why there is confusion with this word.By the way, thank you so much for the soybeans 枝豆 Junko! A full container of delicious Hokkaido 枝豆 is a wonderful treat and a great summer snack. Thank you for not putting any salt on the 枝豆. They are tastier this way! Very healthy!

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